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ASA March Board of Directors Meeting Summary

Christina-Menor-MD-FASAThe Board of Directors meeting began Saturday, March 5, with some opening comments from ASA President Randall M. Clark, MD, FASA. Dr. Clark spoke about ASA’s support for Ukraine and suggested that Board members consider donating to relief efforts. The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care recommends the International Committee of the Red Cross. Further well-vetted suggestions for helping in Ukraine can be found at the Charity Navigator website. Additionally, the respected medical assistance organization Médecins Sans Frontières is mobilizing to assist in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

Dr. Clark invited Board members to consider a donation to the recently created Chris Wehking Scholarship Fund. The scholarship, named after Chris Wehking, ASA’s Executive of Business Events Strategy who passed away in November, is a collaborative effort between the Professional Convention Meeting Association Foundation and ASA, and will fund educational opportunities for future meetings and events industry leaders.

The Board opening information session included presentations from ASA CEO Paul Pomerantz; a financial update including budget and revenue growth project updates from ASA Treasurer Donald E. Arnold, MD, FASA and ASA Assistant Treasurer James R. Mesrobian, MD, FASA; and an overview of the new Leadership Academy Program presented by Jeff Mueller, MD, FASA. Below are some highlights from those presentations:

  • Mr. Pomerantz shared insights related to ASA’s operational milestones and progress, as well as emerging issues and opportunities for the Society.
  • 2021 actual operating funds were $5.7M better than budget due to higher membership dues and continuing education products, and lower expenses, particularly in travel and meetings. The 2022 operating budget is roughly breakeven.
  • ASA is looking to diversify its revenue streams as membership dues, which have been static in recent years, represent the largest portion of revenue. ASA has engaged THRUUE consultants to assist ASA with developing a revenue growth plan that outlines an adaptation in ASA’s business model, capabilities, culture, and competencies.
  • The purpose of the Leadership Academy is to assist anesthesiologists—residents, early-career physicians, and established physicians—even before they have a defined leadership role. The first and second modules of this new offering focus on leadership roles within ASA (increasing engagement for members who want to serve in ASA leadership roles) and creating a personal leadership path (includes a self-assessment).

A number of action and informational reports were submitted to the Board at this meeting. The Board had an opportunity to provide testimony on these reports during the Administrative Affairs, Professional Affairs, Scientific Affairs, and Finance review committee hearings.

Following the review committee hearings, the Board engaged in interactive strategy sessions on the following topics: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy; 2023 strategic plan development; and Board engagement strategy. The Board was asked to discuss and address these strategic topics in breakout groups to help guide ASA in its next efforts in these areas. Details on captured discussions will be reported back to the Board. The following are some highlights from those sessions:

  • DEI Strategy: Recommended strategies and actions to support ASA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals were presented to the Board, resulting from the organizational DEI assessment process. The BOD discussed the opportunities in small groups and provided direction on which recommendations to prioritize. Dr. Clark’s DEI leadership group, along with consultants from McKinley Advisors, led the presentation and structured the discussion.
  • 2023 Strategic Plan Development: During this session, facilitated by ASA President Elect Michael W. Champeau, MD, FASA, Board members were asked to provide feedback to the Administrative Council for the 2023 strategic plan, which begins development shortly after the March Board meeting. Board members shared new trends and issues that ASA should consider for 2023 2 strategic planning, including for specific strategic pillars (Advocacy, Member Engagement, Educational Resources, Leadership and Professional Development, Quality and Practice Advancement, and Research and Scientific Discovery).
  • Board Engagement Strategy: During this session, facilitated by Dr. Champeau and ASA First Vice President Ronald L. Harter, MD, FASA, Board members were asked to provide feedback to a newly formed Ad Hoc Committee on Board Engagement, which is being tasked with making recommendations to enhance value, to both the BOD members and ASA, of in-person BOD meetings and ongoing communications. Board members provided feedback regarding how to enhance the value of March and August Board meetings; ways to improve the value of Board meeting participation for Board members; and how ASA can help Board members stay informed of important matters between Board meetings (and to be able to share that detail with their components).

The Board of Directors meeting was conducted on Sunday, March 6, and included the following actions on below presented reports.

Secretary: Representatives to External Organizations
The BOD approved recommendations in a report from the Secretary regarding the appointment of ASA liaisons to provide representation to external organizations.

Section on Board Administrative Affairs: Interim Report
The BOD approved amendments to the Administrative Procedures (AP) presented in a report from the Section on Board Administrative Affairs. Revisions included updates to finance-related language to bring the AP in alignment with modern practices, various changes to committee and editorial board composition and duties, and dates for upcoming ASA meetings and events. The revised AP will be posted on and the Insider in the days following the March BOD meeting.

Section on Representation: 5-Year Review
A report from the Section on Representation chair summarized all committee activity for the past 5 years. The BOD approved retaining all committees within the section.

Committee on Representation to the American Medical Association (AMA): Interim Report
The Committee on Representation to AMA’s report recommended that alternate delegate positions be appointed by the ASA president in consultation with the ASA Executive Committee and chair of the ASA Delegation to the AMA (chair, Committee on Representation to the AMA) on an annual basis (1-year term). The BOD approved this process, and relevant AP language will be implemented by the Section on Board Administrative Affairs in its August 2022 report.

Committee on Neuroanesthesia: Interim Report
The BOD approved the Committee on Neuroanesthesia’s recommendations to change its name to the Committee on Neuroanesthesiology as well as revise its mission statement, goals, and objectives in the AP. The AP changes will be implemented in the AP via the SBAA’s August BOD report.

Revised Statements Approved by the BOD
The following revised statements were approved by the BOD and will be forwarded to the House of Delegates (HOD) in October for review and action.

  • Statement on Controlled Organ Donation after Circulatory Death (Committee on Ethics)
  • Advisory on Granting Privileges for Deep Sedation to Non-Anesthesiologist Physicians (Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration)
  • Statement on Sedation & Anesthesia Administration in Dental Office-Based Settings (Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration)
  • Statement on Transesophageal Echocardiography (Committee on Economics)
  • Recommendations for Safe Injection Practices (Committee on Occupational Health)
  • The Principles of Critical Care Medicine (Committee on Critical Care Medicine)
  • Statement on Regional Anesthesia (Committee on Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine) 

Statements Referred Back to Committee
The following statements were referred back to their committees of oversight for further review prior to the August 2022 BOD meeting:

  • Statement Comparing Anesthesiologist Assistant and Nurse Anesthetist Education and Practice (Committee on Anesthesia Care Team): All ASA members are encouraged to review the statement and provide feedback to the chair of the Committee on Anesthesia Care Team, Daniel Campos, MD, MPH.
  • Outcome Indicators for Office-Based and Ambulatory Surgery (Committee on Ambulatory Surgical Care): Testimony was heard in support of the document; however, feedback was provided to add greater clarity to the document. Specific details will be provided to the chair for the committee’s consideration.

Statement Sunset
The BOD approved a recommendation to sunset the following statement. The recommendation will be forwarded to the HOD in October for review and action: 

  • Statement on Developing Policy for Infection Prevention Related to Surgical Attire (Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration): The committee will work with the Committee on Occupational Health to incorporate parts of the statement into the Guidelines for Surgical Attire.
  • Statement on Granting Privileges to Non-Anesthesiologist Physicians for Personally Administering or Supervising Deep Sedation (Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration)

New Statement
The BOD approved a new statement which will be forwarded to the HOD in October for review and action:

  • Statement on Peer Support After Unexpected Outcomes: Treatment of the “Second Victim” (Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration): Review committee testimony affirmed the timeliness and need for this statement.
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